Do NOT Feed the Animals

For one reason or another, someone will find a reason to project their insecurities, their negativity, and their fears onto you and your life, and you’ll have to deal with it. Now there’s a difference between criticism and flat out hating. As of lately, I have been noticing a lot of people dispersing negative energy…

10 People Who Should and Shouldn’t Quit Halloween

I haven’t even had lunch yet and already I have died and come back to life TWICE after seeing these 2014 Halloween costumes. Here’s a compilation of 10 costumes that deserve some recognition for being… “unique,” yeah, let’s go with that. 1. Kylie Jenner Tomorrow's costume 😂 — Conzz (@ConnorHairston) October 31, 2014 2.…

Tolerable Tags! #Saleslover

Are you tired of falling in love with a nice dress just to realize that the price tag makes your eyes bleed? Sometimes I wonder how it is legal for the most basic articles of clothing to be over priced. For example, no designer can convince me to pay $65 for a plain white shirt *rolls eyes* If you know…