Chicken Soup for the Entrepreneurial Soul

Calling all entrepreneurs, do yourself a favor and invest 3 1/2 hours into the THINC: Once You Thinc It, Inc It audiobook from the Great Scott Mckenzie. It’ll be the greatest investment you make in a while. In it Scott supplies you with seven chapters of brain stimulating expertise and insight on business, marketing, culture history,…

What I Learned After I Stopped Complaining

On Sunday, at 8:25 am, I challenged myself to go 24 hours without complaining. I’ve reached a point in my life where I approach certain situations thinking, “if it isn’t helping me it is hurting me.” I can’t afford to waste time thinking about what upset me. Neither should you. The 24 hours I spent…

10 People Who Should and Shouldn’t Quit Halloween

I haven’t even had lunch yet and already I have died and come back to life TWICE after seeing these 2014 Halloween costumes. Here’s a compilation of 10 costumes that deserve some recognition for being… “unique,” yeah, let’s go with that. 1. Kylie Jenner Tomorrow's costume 😂 — Conzz (@ConnorHairston) October 31, 2014 2.…

Shooting Stars

Never in my life had I witnessed a shooting star before. So for me to witness two over the past 30 days, overwhelms me with curiosity. What does this mean? Were they omens? How come I keep seeing them with the same person? Upon in depth Google searches, I learned that seeing shooting stars is…

No Matter How High or Low…

…the struggle mountain is, NEVER STOP GRINDING! #WorkSmarterNotHarder You can’t come out successful fearing failure or allowing the vision of your dream to be distorted. Are you ready?   Xoxo, TDott 🙂

Dear October

Is it me or has October been a high speed bump during this 2014 year? Talk about retrograde! This month I have been through all the motions from ending new beginnings to rekindling old flames. I have wasted weeks buried in my feelings, sifting through my thoughts trying to figure out how is it that one…